User Forum Rules and Guidelines

    User Forum Rules and Guidelines

    Welcome to Spirion’s User Forums. These forums are open only to people who have access to the Spirion Customer Portal. They’re meant to help you interact both with our internal experts and with other members of your industry or field. Feel free to ask questions, troubleshoot, ask for ideas, and bring up topics you believe will be interesting to the Spirion user community. We hope you’ll join us in improving the product we create and the support you get in using it.

    If you’re new to posting, please read these rules and guidelines before you post, and feel free to reach out to Support if you have any questions.

    Our Expectations

    More than anything, we expect forums users to be respectful, helpful, and kind. Remember that everyone posting here is seeking a solution and act accordingly. Assume that everyone has your best interests at heart, and act from that same space.

    We also hope you’ll interact with one another! If you have an answer for a question, feel free to share it. We watch these spaces to ensure that any feedback provided is accurate and offer clarifications where needed.

    Contacting a Moderator

    We want this to be a positive and helpful community and will do all we can to ensure that. However, it’s possible that you may see a response that needs our attention before we do.

    If you believe a post or response needs a moderator’s attention, please reach out to Support right away. We appreciate your help and will review the content ASAP.

    Forum Rules

    Below are the rules we expect you to adhere to when posting to the forum. Breaking any of these rules once will result in a warning; after that, we reserve the right to remove you from the Forums. If you aren’t sure if a post will violate these rules, ask before posting.

    No Harassment, Insults, or Threats

    As this is a professional forum, we expect you to act professionally. Harassing another user, name calling, or threats will all be taken seriously and dealt with accordingly. And though it should go without saying: Do not go to other user’s websites or dig up their phone numbers or social media accounts or other contact details. Only use the contact methods they explicitly provide here.

    No Legal Advice

    These forums do not provide legal advice – please seek that elsewhere, and please don’t offer it on our forums.

    No Requests for Personal Information

    This is not the place to request professional or personal contact information, so please don’t ask for it or post it.

    No Soliciting

    These forums are not designed to help people find applicants or job hunt, and we don’t advertise here. Please don’t post jobs, contracting requests, or resumes.

    No Spam

    We’re here to help one another and solve problems; don’t spam your fellow users with anything other than Spirion and data privacy-related discussions.

    Forum Guidelines

    • Please create one thread per question, and check first to see if another thread related to your question exists before creating a new one.
    • You can add images to your posts, but please do not share any sensitive data on these images, and be respectful.
    • Avoid sharing any sensitive data – usernames, passwords, PII, and anything else.
    • If you share a link, please be sure to give proper credit to the author or creator.
    • Avoid posts that don’t add to the discussion: “Me too” and “LOL” aren’t helpful.
    • For many of our users, English is a second (or third or fourth) language. Avoid correcting spelling and grammar.
    • Use common sense! If you aren’t sure if something is helpful or useful or pertinent to the interests of those on the forum, ask Support before posting.


    Thanks, and enjoy the community!


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